Exploring a New User Segment To Fill in Untapped Markets in SMB Space
PandayG, a young start-up and an ecommerce solution provider, helps business owners create their website with ease.
PandayG wanted to explore the emerging segments in India to decide if that is a potential target segment for them.

UCC identified a variety of business owners at various stages in business maturity, from varied domains and size and conducted Contextual Inquiry to understand their current systems, motivations, challenges, operations and goals. Complete immersion in their world helped UCC and PandayG understand the whole spectrum of emerging target segments.
PandayG was provided with not just a thorough understanding how these new emerging segments operate, but also what their needs and expectations from an ecommerce solution provider are like. The insights from this project has helped them arrive at a strategy to target the emerging market.
Client: PandayG
Type Of Organization : Startup
Duration: 5 weeks
Study Participants: 13
Research Tools
& Methods:
thnography Study
In-depth Interviews Stakeholder Interviews Secondary Research
Persona Creation
Ideation Workshop
Hindi, English