Decoding User Needs & Their Mental Models to Inform Strategic Product Decisions to Build ‘Color OS’
OPPO product team wanted to validate the proposed directions for the next OS that were earlier identified by their team and make product decisions after understanding the pulse of the Indian user, their current usage scenarios and gaps in the current offerings.

UCC facilitated tailored focus group discussions across three distinct user segments to extract pivotal insights for the OPPO team. These discussions provided a deep dive into crucial areas including device usage, user attitudes, needs and aspirations, as well as pain points and challenges
Creation of personae, journey maps, JTBD and multiple frameworks helped the OPPO team deepen their understanding of the users’ nagging pain points, needs, and motivations. The identification of gaps, opportunities and prioritisation of user needs led to a clear strategy to tackle and relieve some crucial pain points that could have a direct impact on the user-adoption of the features that should be included in COlor OS.
Client: Oppo
Tier 2 cities in India
4 Weeks
Type Of Organization:
Study Participants: 45
Research Tools
& Methods:
Focus Group Discussions Day-In-Life-of Jobs to be Done (JTBD) Usage Scenarios
Hindi, English

Prioritization of Features Before The Final Product Development
Based on the insights from a previous exploratory User Research conducted with UCC, OPPO team arrived at five key directions for their latest OS. They wanted to get user feedback on the high-fidelity prototypes created for each of the five directions.

UCC executed a remote evaluation study, presenting users with diverse scenarios to encourage goal accomplishment using the prototype. This approach facilitated a thorough remote assessment of the prototype's usability, functionality, and user experience, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of user interactions and preferences.
The report not just highlighted the ease and challenges faced by the user while exploring the features but also brought to the fore insightful suggestions to improvise the features. The quantitative data obtained during the study backed-up the evaluative research data and provided a cohesive picture of the users understanding, preferences, and pain points for each feature.
Client: Oppo
Tier 1 cities of India
Duration: 6 Weeks
Type Of Organization:
Study Participants: 20
Research Tools
& Methods:
Prototype Testing
Hindi, English