Decoding User Segments to Lay the Foundation of Product & Business Strategy
MPL after establishing a strong presence in the India market reached out to UCC to help them with establishing user research practice at MPL. The engagement involved to sensitize MPLs multi-disciplinary team towards user research, evaluate the ongoing product concepts and features, while the main deliverable was the Persona creation which aimed to help the leadership, strategy, product and UX team to make day-day business and product decisions.

UCC adopted a generative user research approach, strategically designed to cultivate deep empathy with both users and stakeholders. The study unfolded across four phases, each phase's outcomes shaping the approach for the subsequent one. Our approach took a systemic perspective, delving into the gamer's internal factors and contextual elements—ranging from interpersonal relationships to socio-cultural, environmental aspects, and the digital landscape. This exploration aimed to unravel the intricate web of gamers' life choices, decisions, and behaviors
At the end of six months UCC delivered a set of behavioural persona, detailed journey maps that was well received by the leadership team who would use the new learnings about their users to develop new strategies and products. The product and UX found the Persona as a tool to make their day-day decisions and eliminated personal biases guide the product thinking and directions. Multiple concept and feature evaluation and validation study helped the MP team to make in-time decision and refine the products to meet the needs of ever evolving gamers needs and expectations.
Client: Mobile Premier League
Location: 48 locations pan-India
Type Of Organization: Online Gaming Company
Duration: 6 Months
Study Participants: 75
Research Tools
& Methods:
In-Depth interviews
Concept Evaluation
Usability Testing
Persona Creation
Journey Mapping
English, Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali