Exploring the need & opportunity of a new digital intervention in the healthcare sector
In the rapidly evolving landscape of medical interventions aimed at delivering enhanced solutions, Digital Therapeutics (DTx) stands out as an emerging frontier. Our client embarked on a mission to develop and launch a cutting-edge mobile application tailored for the management of diabetes and hypertension. They sought insights to guide the development, product placement and marketing of a user-centric app aligned with needs and preferences of patients and physicians.
Through extensive secondary research, we exposed the opportunity and explored the intricacies of the competitive domain. We also engaged in in-depth conversions with both patients and physicians. Their stories revealed the complexities of user behavior, decision-making, adoption, usage, and Dtx app experiences. It also revealed their preferences, needs and expectations from DTx apps.
Our insightful conversations with patients and physicians allowed us to explore how these interventions positively impact people's lives and identify opportunities for further improvement. Our research marked the pathways for our client toward an effective strategy for developing app-based interventions to manage lifestyle-related diseases like hypertension and diabetes. The research also provided a framework comprising four key elements essential for successful digital therapeutic apps. This framework not only illuminated the path to innovation but also showcased the transformative power of strategic user research in shaping digital healthcare strategies.
Client: Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
Tier 1 & 2 cities of India
11 Weeks
Type Of Organization:
Study Participants: 16
Research Tools
& Methods:
In-Depth Interviews Persona Creation User Journey Maps
Hindi, English
Improving Quality of Life Through Behaviour Change
Dr. Reddy’s decided to tackle a global problem with patients - non-adherence to medication. This lack of attention often leads to decline in patient’s health, slows the doctor’s practice, and sometimes leads to emergencies causing surge in efforts and expenses, and eventually negatively impacts the pharma market. The goal was to design and develop solutions to change patients’ behaviour and improve their medication- adherence rate.
Secondary research helped us understand the current state of the problem at a global level, advancements made and solutions that crashed. Analogous research to study behaviour-changing cases in other fields combined with deep ethnography studies with experts, patients and caregivers led to a carefully designed research strategy to achieve the goal we set out for.
We mapped the entire patient journey, created 4 personae from our research addressing the motivations, challenges and trigger points identified. A prototype was launched and executed for three months with continuous iteration cycles. In the end, an app was designed to address multiple behavioural issues simultaneously.
Client: Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
Location: Hyderabad
Duration: 5 months
Type Of Organization:
Research Tools
& Methods:
Ethnography Study Secondary Research In-Depth Interviews Home Visits Hospital Visits Persona Creation User Journey Maps Idea Brainstorming workshop Concept creation Concept Validation
Identifying Opportunities to Guide Innovative and Targeted Solutions for Revolutionizing Hypertension Care
As incidents of hypertension surge, with many cases undiagnosed or untreated, significant gaps in disease management have been identified. To address these issues, UCC embarked on the journey of exploring the experiences of individuals with hypertension in India. The overarching goal sought to understand the patient care pathway journey from diagnosis to management, identifying challenges and uncovering unmet needs and opportunities for DRL to enhance support and improve outcomes for both patients and physicians
UCC initiated a comprehensive study of hypertension management in India, conducting 14 remote interviews and visiting 7 cities for 22 in-person interviews and home visits. We engaged with individuals diagnosed with hypertension, their caregivers, and healthcare professionals, immersing ourselves in their daily environments using an ethnographic approach. Home walkthroughs and hospital visits allowed us to gain deeper insights into the context and behaviours associated with hypertension management.
Our conversations with patients, caregivers, and physicians revealed gaps and opportunities for improvement in the hypertension journey. Our research uncovered diverse personas and their unique experiences, helping us craft a detailed patient journey map that outlines challenges, unmet needs, and emotional nuances at every stage. By meticulously analyzing these insights, we identified pivotal areas for innovation and intervention. This comprehensive understanding empowers DRL to develop targeted solutions, ultimately revolutionizing hypertension management and enhancing patient outcomes.
Client: Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
Tier 1 & 2 cities (7 cities)
Duration: 26 weeks
Type Of Organization:
Study Participants: 36
Research Tools
& Methods:
In-Depth Interviews
Home Visits
Hospital Visits
Persona Creation
User Journey Maps