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Sep 22, 2022
Blame it on the CARAMEL CUSTARD
As I prepare for the Goa trip with my team, I am filled with nostalgia about how life has shaped up in the past 5 years. Tomorrow, the...

Sep 15, 2022
Traversing the path from apathy to empathy
This article was first published in Financial Express on September 7, 2022 Why do businesses need to put humans at the centre of planning...

May 15, 2022
The rigour to recruit right participants for a user research study
Pick any team sport and you’d agree with me that choosing the right players is one of the most crucial things to do to increase one’s...

Mar 20, 2022
What Indian smartphone users want: an insight into their digital behaviour
“We are our choices” said the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. Indeed, this quote reflects in all our decisions including our digital...

Feb 4, 2022
Decoding the behaviours of a small city trader and investor in India
“Earlier in my area people were investing in real estate and fixed deposits but now people’s thinking is changing. Now, they have started...
Nov 30, 2021
How leaders see user research: the difference between the enlightened and the unaware (Part 3)
After the believer and the open-minded leaders, let’s meet the incognizant leader in context of their knowledge levels and outlook...
Nov 30, 2021
How leaders see user research: the difference between the enlightened and the unaware (Part 2)
In the previous article, we cast light on the believer (our favourite!) leader. In part 2 of the trilogy (reminds me of LOTR!), I would...
Nov 30, 2021
How leaders perceive user research: the difference between the enlightened and the unaware (Part 1)
The proverb “necessity is the mother of invention” could not have been more apt for these trying times. Individuals, groups, and...

Nov 30, 2021
User research for a crisis-responsive service - Aarogya Setu
That good design has an immensely positive impact on the society at large is undebatable. Great designs can empower, inspire and...

Nov 30, 2021
High impact of user research on start-ups (even during COVID crisis)
These are undeniably difficult, uncertain and unpredictable times, and for some of you, launching a product during these times may seem...

Nov 30, 2021
Trust: the elemental force behind meaningful relationships
How many times have we associated ourselves with people or a brand because we trust and the opposite? How does it feel to be in a...

Nov 30, 2021
Ask Questions. Nothing is ‘Obvious’.
I’ve been designing and executing Research projects for a decade now, and through the journey, I have learned and realized one most...

Nov 30, 2021
User Research in a Product Life Cycle
To start with let’s answer a basic question, Why is user research critical? Any product or service is successful when it meets the users...

Nov 30, 2021
Listen to your users
As an ethnographer, I spend many hours traveling to meet people in their environment, listen to them about their families, childhood...

Oct 19, 2021
Insight or Finding? What’s the Difference?
When I was 12 years old, I had visited my uncle’s farm near Hyderabad. His farm was a beautiful, lush haven symbiotically flourishing...

Oct 19, 2021
Empathy: the secret ingredient to meaningful design
The mammoth catastrophe in Kerala state and Kodagu district had several capeless heroes come to provide rescue and relief. We saw (and...
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